China top brand bearing induction heater_公司新闻_常州市状元电器※制造有限公司


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                当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 公司新闻

                China top brand bearing induction heater

                   Bearing heater ( bearing induction heater ) on bearing for rapid induction heating, so the inner hole of the bearing uniformly heated and quantity expansion, to meet with the shaft are in interference hot assembly.

                In 1, and point

                There are a lot of bearing is mounted in the process of damage, improper heating method is one of the important reasons. Such as the use of welding tool is heated, will cause the deformation of journal bearing; the fire heating, bearing two heated unevenness; uses the oil bath heating, due to unclean and the bearing oil pollution, noise increases; the oven heating, it is a waste of time. As for beating the installation, bearing more easily damaged.

                High performance high heat efficiency, fast heating speed, improve the work efficiency and the assembly speed.

                Convenient out-of-the-box, without preheating, to set the time automatically jump off, convenient and quick.

                Reliable and uniform heating, equal expansion, after heating the bearing temperature of less than 1 degrees.

                Safety built-in over heat protection system, long-term continuous use, suitable for assembly line operation, reliable operation.

                Environmental protection and low energy consumption and zero emission, is conducive to the environment and the health of staff.

                Automatic demagnetization demagnetization, after heating the bearing residual magnetism of less than 3 Gauss, in line with the ZQ33-85 standard.

                2, node structure

                3, work principle

                Changzhou zhuangyuan Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  

                E-mail: czzydq@163.com




